Privacy Policy

We hereby inform you that the ASD SWING TONIC, hereinafter simply SWING TONIC, based in Via Scarlatti 146, email, as Owner and Manager, will process your personal, identification and personal data pursuant to of article 13 of the GDPR, with the methods and precautions indicated below:

1) Figures involved in the treatment.
Interested party - The person who provides their personal data and to whom this information is addressed;
Data controller – SWING TONIC which collects the data and processes, archives or transmits it; Responsible for the treatment Vincenzo Giovengo; Third party receiving the data - The person to whom the data is provided by SWING TONIC.
2) Processing methods
The collection and processing of your personal data will take place after your consent. The processing may also take place with the aid of paper, electronic, computerized means or via the web for the operations indicated by the art. 4 of the Code and by art. 4 no. 2 of the GDPR such as: registration, organization, consultation, processing, modification, extraction, use, communication, cancellation.
3) Purpose of the treatment.
The processing, following your consent, is aimed at managing your application for admission as a member of SWING TONIC as required by the statute of the body, at participating in the proposed activities, and at your membership in sports promotion bodies or federations of the CONI as well as the inclusion in the C.O.N.I. for recognition for amateur sporting purposes. Communications relating to the management of the membership itself, including communications for the activities carried out with SWING TONIC, will be sent to the email address, which you will indicate when applying for membership.
4) Compulsory provision
The conferment is necessary and mandatory for the aforementioned purposes and the refusal will make it impossible to join SWING TONIC, to be registered and to send data to the CONI Register.
5) Data communication
The data you provide will be processed by us and communicated, for the indicated purposes of the processing, to the ASC – Sports Promotion Body recognized by CONI, and through this to CONI Servizi S.p.A. and Coninet S.p.A., for the institutional purposes resulting from membership.
The same will act in full autonomy as Data Processors for their respective duties. Furthermore, the data itself, upon request, will be communicated to Public Administrations for legal purposes.
6) Place and methods of data retention
Personal data is stored, by the Data Controller, on paper and/or on computer servers, in places usually located within the European Community. At the request of the interested party, with reference to that date, the storage addresses will be communicated.
7) Data retention period
Your data will be kept for the period established by CONI legislation in force. After this term, the same will be archived in protected files for the period required by law, and destroyed at the end.
8) Rights of the interested party
With a specific request, to be sent to SWING TONIC, Data Controller, by registered mail or e-mail, you will be able to know your personal data held by the Organization, request its modification, rectification or destruction. You can also complete them, update them or request a copy. Any requests for hard copies not collected at the institution's headquarters will be subject to a shipping fee. You may also, in the same manner, revoke your consent, oppose the processing of all or part of the data, or ask for it to be sent to third parties indicated by you. You may lodge complaints with the Guarantor for the protection of personal data if you believe your rights have been violated.
9) Control mode
Functional security controls will be put in place in the IT and web fields through:
- Access control and traceability using different levels of ID and Password;
- Treatment coding with identification and division of processes;
- Malware protection system;
- Minimization of the data processed.
Physical security checks will be set up by:
- Conservation of paper supports in protected places and accessible only to designated personnel;
- Preservation of the physical media of the server in a protected place and backup of the data;
- Stipulation of accurate contracts regarding the processing of personal data.
Organizational controls will be set up through specific training of personnel who have access to personal data.